World of Warcraft Addiction a Short Documentary


World of Warcraft Addiction a short Documentary –


Dictators For Democracy

Filed under: wow addiction help

Several generations have been born and have grown up in these cheap sheet-metal homes, begging the state for help. What will be the memories of the 2014 Winter Games …. the coverage of it all: it's time to stop shaming addicts. It's a hard thing for …
Read more on Daily Beast


Republicans eyeing a presidential run in 2016 start to open up to legalization

Filed under: wow addiction help

And just because a drug is a 'gateway' drug doesn't mean that everyone who uses it will move on to harder drugs, so when you argue that tobacco and alcohol are gateway drugs, you're arguing that addiction will rise, but abuse statistics from places …
Read more on Washington Times


Why Jim Flaherty can afford to act casual

Filed under: wow addiction help

1) if JF thinks the addiction allegations are true, publicly ask him to seek help. Nobody would think less of him … If someone were to tell the public that you had an addiction, would you ever trust that person again, sober or not? Of course not …