What to Hear Stories About Drug Addiction?

Question by Juliea: What to hear stories about drug addiction?
I would like to know your or your friends’ personal experiences and the effects on the family relationships. How does the you or your family feel about the addiction now?

Best answer:

Answer by Kelle
I work at the jail.

I couldn’t begin to tell you all the sad stories. Thousands of girls in their 20s who sold their self esteem for a hit.

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Teens share their drug abuse stories


News staffers receive award for drug series

Filed under: drug addiction stories

SOUTH PORTLAND – MaineToday Media Staff Writer John Richardson and staff photographer Gregory Rec were recognized Thursday night by a drug-abuse prevention group for a series of stories that brought public attention to prescription drug abuse and …
Read more on Press Herald


From Twitter:

http://t.co/lGwl5mQP Therapeutic potential of histaminergic compounds in the treatment of addiction and drug-related… http://t.co/9wbceuaj – by ScienceIndex_ (Science Index)


From Twitter:

Listening to 3 teens currently in rehab for drug addiction. They are bravely sharing their stories with an auditorium of FCPS educators. – by LJMosser (Linda Mosser)


From Twitter:

Rush focuses on Obama’s race via @POLITICO for iPhone. Enslaved by drug addiction Rush has anger issues. http://t.co/prMYAHhR – by qazy7 (Gary R Porter)