heroin overdose

Rehab Centers Addiction Treatment Center


Rehab Centers Addiction Treatment Center – Decision Point OutDoor Adventure Program. A Holistic Addiction Treatment Center.Call Toll Free 1.877.77.ADMIT www.decisipointcenter.com –Sent via http://hey…


Identity theft isn't just about credit cards — it's about health

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

Last month, the Identity Theft Resource Center produced a survey showing that medical-related identity theft accounted for 43 percent of all identity thefts reported in the United States in 2013. That is a far greater … The definition of medical …
Read more on Paradise Post

Is a Drug Addiction All Mental??

Question by bksmyth1: Is a drug addiction all mental??
Is a drug addiction all in your head or is it real, because ive done pills and i wasnt addicted, ive done coke and i didnt become addicted and the same thing with cigarettes, i smoked them but i never became addicted.. can someone tell me..

Best answer:

Answer by Blut et Aske
A real drug addiction is mostly/all physical (withdrawals). Anything can be habitual mentally. And yeah, if you don’t get addicted to alcohol you won’t get addicted to most drugs, because alcohol is very addictive to begin with.

My Boyfriend Struggles With Drug Addiction, Depression and Family Issues. Do I Stay and Help or Walk Away?

Question by asdjfalskjriowerj: My boyfriend struggles with drug addiction, depression and family issues. Do I stay and help or walk away?
I have a boyfriend of 8 months who has struggled with cocaine addiction. He is 38 years old – has a number of issues with his father, his family and personal struggles with himself regarding his current place in life – no house, unstable income etc. His cocaine use has affected our relationship…he’s promised to stop, attended a few Cocaine Anonymous classes (for the first time, through my request) but continues to use. He admits that he has a problem and knows he may need some kind of help, but hasn’t taken that final step to get there. Most of the time he’ll use by himself, approximately once a week (that I know of). It’s his escape from the isseus in his life and the only way he knows how.

America’s Alarming Prescription Drug Addiction


America’s Alarming Prescription Drug Addiction – Dr. Barbra Krantz spoke with Jessica Kumari backstage at The Early Show on Saturday about America’s national epidemic of prescription drug abuse so bad, it’s…


New Generation Rx Online Game Teaches Teens about Prescription Drug Abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

DUBLIN, Ohio, Jan. 15, 2014 — /PRNewswire/ — In its newest educational program, the Generation Rx Initiative mixes online learning with video games to promote learning about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and abuse.
Read more on Sacramento Bee


What Stage of Research Is ALS In?

Question by Rose: What Stage of Research is ALS in?
I’m trying to learn about ALS. I know there’s no cure, and the must be dozens of research labs out there trying to find one. How far they to finding a cure, what stage of the research process are they at right now, and what have they found out already

Best answer:

How Can I Start Off My Language Analysis?

Question by Julie: how can I start off my language analysis?
VICTORIA’S current road toll stands at 119.

The figures represent the dreadful waste of life caused by road accidents, stark figures that don’t tell the stories of people young and old needlessly cut down in accidents.

The toll doesn’t reflect the cause of the deaths. It’s just a bold, depressing number. And despite millions of dollars and dozens of advertising campaigns, people continue to die.

At the height of Melbourne’s heroin overdose epidemic – which lasted more than three years – this newspaper also recorded the daily heroin deaths.