drug test

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse?

Question by prncessang228: signs of prescription drug abuse?
I have a 7 year old daughter that I was sharing joint custody of with my ex-husband up until 12-3
of this year.

on that date, my daughter came home stating her father had physically hit her on the back of the head (where she had 3 staples in to close up a cut she received after being pushed by a cousin at her uncle’s house on her dad’s side of the family) b/c he got angry at her for not sticking with a lie he had made up about her being sick so that I would come pick her up from his house instead of him having to take her to school. I currently have temporary full custody of my daughter due to an order of protection being passed. I also called CPS and filed a report.

Are These Signs of Drug Abuse?

Question by prncessang228: are these signs of drug abuse?
I have a 7 year old daughter that I was sharing joint custody of with my ex-husband up until 12-3
of this year.

on that date, my daughter came home stating her father had physically hit her on the back of the head (where she had 3 staples in to close up a cut she received after being pushed by a cousin at her uncle’s house on her dad’s side of the family) b/c he got angry at her for not sticking with a lie he had made up about her being sick so that I would come pick her up from his house instead of him having to take her to school. I currently have temporary full custody of my daughter due to an order of protection being passed. I also called CPS and filed a report.

Does Dennys Drug Test in Florida?

Question by Donna: Does dennys drug test in Florida?
Does Denny’s drug test in Florida or preferably in Orlando and Sanford? Please help

Best answer:

Answer by postal p
Denny’s Restaurant is found to do Employee Urine Drug Testing.

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What Is “Drug Court” in the State of Florida?

Question by lady T: What is “Drug court” in the state of Florida?
a friend was told that when going to court for felony drug charges he could ask for “drug court” and that after following a “program” and submitting to drug tests for a certain amount of time, if all went well, after wards there wouldn’t be anything on his record, is this true?

Best answer:

Answer by James
Yes. Drug court is a program often called diversion whereby first-time non-violent drug offenders are given a suspended sentence, and if they complete the drug treatment program and are tested clean over a period of time, they are released from supervision and no conviction ever shows up on their record.

What Are the Drug Testing Rules in the NBA?

Question by Vladimir Putin: What are the drug testing rules in the NBA?
Example: do all players have to submit urine / blood samples after very game, or random througout the season / off season, or what?

And what substances are tested for? Steroids, HGH, etc?


Best answer:

Answer by kiki
everything..so don’t use any

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Addiction recovery center – New Life Addiction Treatment Center Addiction recovery center (772) 337-8500Florida. Call (772) 337-8500 or vist us http://newlifeaddictiontreatment.com/


When a Mother Is Arrested for Doing Drugs While Pregnant…?

Question by **Jessica**: When a mother is arrested for doing drugs while pregnant…?
She and the baby tested positive for meth,methadone pills, and some other pills.( I dont know the correct terms for those drugs) She was in jail for about 2 mths, she is now out. Her baby is in foster care (since birth) . From what I hear she has failed every drug test that department of human resources has had her take. I am wondering how long by state law do mothers usually stay in jail for these kinds of things? She has been in and out of rehabs the lat 4 years. She has aborted two children and gave two up for adoption. This is my uncles girlfriend, he is in jail for the same thing. He is willing to sign his rights away to me and she was when she was in jail, now that she is out she is wanting to “keep” the baby. How many drug tests can she fail before the DHR will take her baby from her and not give her a chance ? Doesnt family come first when it comes to adopting the baby? We live in Alabama and just need advice on what to do.
I just wanted to add a few details for ya guys .. DHR done the paternity test last week, as soon as that gets established and he is on the birth certificate, DHR can talk to me. There isnt a doubt in my mind that it his child though. They should have the results in soon and my uncle stated that he would have them to contact us/ect as soon as they give him the results so they could talk to us. Its just so stressful !! My mom and dad are already raising two of his children from a prev relationship. They are 4 and 7. Its all just a mess. I really hate all of this and we will not watch another child being drug in and out of the foster care system.
And yeah my uncle supports it all the way. He knows that neither of them are ready to be parents and not for a long time if they ever are. She was all up for it until she got out of jail and we werent bringing her money and stuff. She is now cussing us out and told us to leave her alone. My uncle stated that she is the sweetest person *which she has been pretty much* until she gets back on heavy drugs and that she would go crazy like this ,yell scream and get emotional. He assures us not to worry that everything will work out and that he would make sure that we would get the baby.