doctor shopping

VLOG 3/15- Shopping Addiction, Work – I Hate Retail


VLOG 3/15- Shopping Addiction, Work – I Hate Retail – thanks for watching guys!!! follow me on instagram- @emmanevada or twitter! @emmanevada.


Pill addiction rises, FDA wants change

Filed under: shopping addiction help

“I want to help as many people as possible.” And Lynch likely … Just in the last week, four felony charges against four different people were filed in Travis County for doctor shopping, fraud, and other crimes related to obtaining hydrocodone. Before …


I'm 30 years clean, sober and glad

How Do Drug Dealers Get Dianobol and All These Other Anabolic Steroids?

Question by Marina: How do drug dealers get dianobol and all these other anabolic steroids?
I am a female and really have no use for anabolic steroids, but I have always wondered. I work in a pharmacy and we usually stock Testosterone cypoinate in injectable form and Androgel, and Axiron which is testosterone in a gel. This is just synthetic testosterone made to replace the hormone that is usually made naturally in a man. My husband is into lifting weights and fitness all natural (no steroids) but he keeps hearing people buying Dianobol and Trenbolone ie Tren from some people in the bodybuilding business. In my 10 years of being a pharmacy technician I have never come across a doctor writing a prescription for Dianobol or Tren so this begs the question. Where are these people getting the stuff. I know drug dealers either manufacture their own stuff like (methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, heroin.) Others doctor shop for stuff like Vicodin, Adderall, Oxycontin and sell them. Doctor shopping being the illegal act of going to different doctors, faking a condition and acquiring an prescription. Do dealers actually make their own steroids and sell them, or is there actually doctors who will prescribe these steroids and then sell them on the side. I am just curious, looking from answers from people in law enforcement perhaps DEA, or bodybuilders or dealers. Please no generic preachy answers like “Steroids are bad mkay”. I obviously know the dangers of drug abuse and witness them myself remember I work in a pharmacy, and no my husband is not looking for steroids he just asked me thinking I might know but I honestly don’t. Thanks for reading, and appreciate any real answers.

Prescription Drug Dangers


Prescription Drug Dangers – One out of three drug-related deaths in Haywood County have been due to prescription drugs. In an effort to curb that number, law enforcement held a special …


Prescription drugs: 'No single solution' to resolve addiction

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Results from a Substance Abuse and Menthal Health Services Administration survey on national drug use conducted in 2010-2011 revealed that about four in every five nonmedical users obtained prescription drugs from a friend or relative for free. “The …
Read more on The Ridgefield Press

Dr. Ramani My Shopping Addiction Premieres Tonight


Dr. Ramani My Shopping Addiction Premieres Tonight – There are a limited number of simple truths offered by the field of psychology – and psychologists often miss the point and hide these simple truths behind fancy statistics and technical jargon. Years of teaching thousands of students have equipped Dr. Ramani with a knack for cutting to the core of the issue and cutting out the filler. Understanding these truths can help people reach their full potential in their relationships, jobs, and family time. By getting past the jargon and the simplifying the statistics – Dr. Ramani keeps it real and makes psychology a useful tool for everyone.

Mother’s Battle With Prescription Drug Addiction, Doctor Says No to Abusers


What Do You Do When Your Dad Is a Drug Addict?

Question by Mary Lee: What do you do when your Dad is a drug addict?
Okay, let me start by saying I am grown. I live in Texas and my dad lives in Florida. My dad became addicted to oxycodone and morphine approximately five years ago. He has overdosed before and my brother had to call the ambulance for him. My dad’s wife, who is not my mother, called the police on him last week because he became violent after she refused to give him any of her medicine. For years he has been taking medicine that is prescribed to her, as well as getting them off the streets. He got to a point about a year ago where he started seeing doctors and getting them on his own. He was being prescribed 100 pills a piece from three different doctors and still running out. The doctors stopped giving him the medicine, so he started stealing his wife’s. Anyway, after she cut him off last Friday, he went nuts and she ended up leaving. After she refused to come home, he started threatening to kill himself. He was placed in a psychiatric center for the weekend, but was released today. Because of his threats, she had a protective order filed against him today. We have been doing everything in our power to try to get him into a drug rehab, but he won’t go. He called me tonight and said he is going to the doctor Wednesday, and they are going to give him his pills again. He plans on selling them to get money. I want to get him help. I am considering tipping off the police to his plans to try to get him help. Is this a bad idea? I feel really bad about it, but don’t know what else to do. He won’t come live in Texas so I can help him, and he is just going to go back to being the same addict he’s been. I know he’s grown, but I’m trying to save his life, because that’s the point that we’re at. Thank you for your help…