Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB


Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – Overcoming drug addiction and co-occurring disorders can seem like an unobtainable dream, and most people feel burdened and doomed. However, there is help fo…


Wisconsin clinic offers new hope for men suffering from ED who can't take oral

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

… work with the LGBT community. The subconscious shame that's chiseled into many LGBT people's brains during childhood is considered the leading factor behind high suicide, drug abuse and alcoholism rates in the community. … Peter's erection lasted …
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Oklahoma medical news in brief

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

If you have questions about drug abuse or believe a family member is having a reaction to medication, call the Oklahoma Poison Center for more information and treatment advice at (800) 222-1222. The Poison Helpline is answered 24 hours a day, seven …


Break the silence

Filed under: 24 hour drug abuse helpline

October is the month recognized for observance of victims who have died, celebrating those who have survived and connecting with those who work to end violence. One in four women (25 percent) … The use of drugs and alcohol perpetuates violence inside …
Read more on The Plaquemines Gazette