Practical Advice for Family and Parents | Heroin Addiction Stories – My Treatment My Choice


Practical advice for family and parents | Heroin addiction stories – My Treatment My Choice – Drawing on his own experiences from helping his son with heroin dependence, Tony shares his advice on the importance of support and understanding, and what t…


3 apply to fill Eureka City Council seat: Mayor expects to make recommendation

Filed under: drug addiction help free

He wrote in his application that the biggest challenges facing Eureka include hiring a new city manager, and being more effective in addressing crime, the homeless population and illegal drug use. Albin is a lifelong Humboldt County resident and has …
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Former home for music now home for recovery in Duluth

Filed under: drug addiction help free

Marty Mann is a recovery program created by the center to help women as they transition from alcohol and drug treatment back into a fresh and sober way of living. Residents can go through long-term sobriety, education, employment and chemical-free …
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Church Events

Filed under: drug addiction help free

Celebrate Freedom is a new support group meeting held each Thursday night at Fairview Baptist Church for those affected by alcohol and drug addiction. It is for individuals and families to share how drugs and alcohol are affecting their lives …
Read more on Claiborne Progress


War of attrition

Filed under: drug addiction help free

Has it stopped illegal drug use? No. The war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, and a $ 20 billion-a-year money toilet. Instead of stopping violence or drug use, it has only spread it. And that's not some fringe opinion. The Global Commission on Drug …
Read more on Montana Kaimin