How to Find the Right Drug Rehab Center?

Question by Truth: How to find the right drug rehab center?
Does anyone know of a website or service that can help me locate a good drug rehab center? A family member is looking to get help and my family wants to make sure he enters the best facility we can find. We’re not looking for government funded facilities or out-patient programs, but a reliable inpatient rehab center. I’m not sure where to start looking, so if there’s a site or something where I can narrow down the search by certain criteria or success rate, it’d be a lot easier. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by David Edwards
I went to a 12 step rehab centre this time last year for alcohol problems. it wasnt for me as i found it very much a brain washing place, full of religion and cross addiction. by this i mean, swapping the alcohol addiction for the ‘being clean’ addiction. spending all day everyday talking about the fact i am an alcoholic. This works for some people, if they are happy with this new lifestyle becoming all they know. I am still in touch with a lot of people who i met there, and they are still living this way, and clean from drink or drugs. however, i do tend to feel sorry for them if when they tell me they are still doing this day in, day out, to stay clean. i am still clean, but thats because i hit rock bottom and knew i never wanted to go back. so now i just live everyday as i wish, but i have learned a lot about my body and why i react to drink and drugs the way i do. there are other types of rehab, such as learning to control substances, and these work for some people. i suggest finding out which way you want to live the rest of your life, completely drug free, or more controlled when using them. some people cant control amounts though, this is a chemical fact, so if you are 1 of these, then im afraid controlling your substance is pretty much out of the question.
so anyway, best of luck solving this because i know how hard it can be, and i have seen first hand the pain i put my family through, so i sympathise and really hope this helps. everyone can do it, it depends if they are ready to stop and have enough hope left!

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