How Does a 3-5 Day Alcohol Rehab Program Work?

Question by mamaT: How does a 3-5 day alcohol rehab program work?
I have a family member checking into a 3-5 day rehab program to treat alcoholism and a perscription drug addiction. I have never heard of a program this short and I am uncertainof its effectivness. Will it help?

Best answer:

Answer by 3rd account, second ban 😛
very quickly and painfully 🙂

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1-855-602-5102 The Benefits of Substance Rehab Programs – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Addiction Recovery Information Advant…


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Many other sequences of realistic vitriol and despicable admission fill this picture with enough hate that it makes any family with problems seem positively Huxtablean by comparison. Such atrocities include the aforementioned drug use, rampant …
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