A Dangerous Path: Teens and Drug Abuse
A Dangerous Path: Teens and Drug Abuse – A November 2012 special report on KIMT News 3. Sarah Danik follows three stories, with three different outcomes.
Drug Addiction..?
Question by aangsumanc: Drug addiction..?
Have anyone here been addicted to drugs like heroine, myth etc..
what affects most out of it..
Best answer:
Answer by Psychedelic Enlightenment III
I stear clear of herion. I have known people who have become hooked on H…it isnt pretty. It controls your life, everything yuo do revolves around it. If you dont get help you will end up in jail, dead, or back in rehab. Recovering adddicts cant even have one beer. It is like a snownball one beer leads to two..then on and on til your back to H. I have seen it
Soleus Strain Treatment Huntington Beach, Orange County CA
Soleus Strain Treatment Huntington Beach, Orange County CA – to learn prevention methods. We specialize in sports injuries and getting athletes back to their sports fast (running injuries, s. to learn prevention method…
Synthetic Drug Use on the Rise in Florida
Synthetic Drug Use on the Rise in Florida – FAPB Award submission in Public Affairs Category This is a segment from a live call-in talk show program from June 12, 2012 about the rise in the use of synt…
National Drug Facts Week: Do You Have Questions? Teens Do, Part 2
National Drug Facts Week: Do You Have Questions? Teens Do, Part 2 – Promotional Video: Howard County Recreation & Parks Voices for Change students and HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council tell us their thoughts on drug abuse. …
Is Internet Addiction a Mental Illness?
Is internet addiction a mental illness? – A warning for those addicted to the internet and online gaming: you could soon be diagnosed as suffering from a mental illness.