Possible Drug Abuse?
Question by Beth66: possible drug abuse?
If a man becomes involved with a woman from his past where there were numerous legal problems (criminal) and drug abuse and his behavior changes dramatically is it possible there is a drug connection again? He dropped all of his friends, his professional training as an athlete and started chronic lying. He had episodes of bizarre behavior also.
Best answer:
Answer by Pam H
Quite possible.
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How Is Drug Abuse and Addiction Different ?
Question by I need helo with drugs: How is drug abuse and Addiction different ?
this is homework for a class
Best answer:
Answer by speisenkarte
they’re not
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Effects of Adderall (The Study Drug)
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Drug Addiction
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Does Anyone Have a # for a Sexual Addiction Hotline?
Question by : Does anyone have a # for a Sexual Addiction Hotline?
I called 800-551-9888 and I guess it is now a company called “Audix”. I’m in therapy, but would like to know if there is a place I can call when I get ‘triggerred’ or for general support when I need it to help support me to avoid future acting out. Thank you in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by Stubbsy Boy
07851441159. The person should be called Mr. C. Batchelor
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Is It Possible to Have a Book Addiction?
Question by Alexis S: Is it possible to have a book addiction?
I seem to read at least like five long books a day and i love the Twilight series and Gallagher Girls so please tell me if I have an addiction or like books too much.
Best answer:
Answer by Jinx
yes…it called the ‘bookworm syndrome’ (made up by my friends) it’s when you read as much books which relates the twilight series or any book which is in…
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