Drug Addiction..?
Question by aangsumanc: Drug addiction..?
Have anyone here been addicted to drugs like heroine, myth etc..
what affects most out of it..
Best answer:
Answer by Psychedelic Enlightenment III
I stear clear of herion. I have known people who have become hooked on H…it isnt pretty. It controls your life, everything yuo do revolves around it. If you dont get help you will end up in jail, dead, or back in rehab. Recovering adddicts cant even have one beer. It is like a snownball one beer leads to two..then on and on til your back to H. I have seen it
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As the crisis rages across Ohio, state legislators have opened access to a drug that reverses the effects of heroin overdose at no cost to friends and families of addicts. Naloxone is most … “No one's going to force them into treatment. The goal is …
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He came into the office as he was having cough and cold symptoms. While I was taking the history of his illness, I also started asking … He was quite open as he told me he had started smoking marijuana in high school and then had gone on to …
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The list goes on. 3. “Medical cannabis causes addiction. … The simple truth is that the vast majority of patients can give up their cannabis with no ill effects, other than the return of symptoms for which they were originally taking the drug. 4 …
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