Diagonosed depRESSED Ppl I Neeeeeeed Your Expertise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question by you asked , i answered…: Diagonosed depRESSED ppl i neeeeeeed your expertise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
say u tell ur doctor u are having depresse feelings for teh past months on and off. Like, a few days ur happy but other days u feelal deeep sadness within you or u feel fine and sad on and off through the day. What will tehy ask you ????
What tests will tehy perfoem exactly??? Also if they do a blood test what will they be looking for exactly?????? plz answer those with experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
excuse the typos sorry!
I ‘m getting some really weird “angry” responses and ppl with no experience..thats not wat i asked for !!!!”

Best answer:

Answer by Ashley M
For me, I had to fill out a questionnare that the doc filled out and asked me the questions. And they asked me why I thouhgt I felt that way. It sounds like you a chronic depressant. They didn’t do a blood test on me, but if they did on you, they’re probably checking to see if you have a chemical imbalance of some sort, but I would think they would take an MRI since you really can’t see that in blood.

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Luca – Help with Drug Addiction – The Fountainhead Method – September 2013 – Luca attended our Holistic Health program ‘Palladium Private’ which specialises in the treatment of stress related health conditions i.e depression, anxiety …