A Spiritual Crisis Hit After I Quit My Drug Addiction. I Cannot Make Any Sense of It?
Question by Modus A.: A spiritual crisis hit after I quit my drug addiction. I cannot make any sense of it?
I just quit a 4 year addiction (marijuana) and a lot of “stuff” is coming out. I am not going psychotic, and I am working with a spiritual advisor.
It started with nightmares about demons and the end of the world. Then, I began having horrific panic attacks about my own existence. Issues like, “What am I? What is my soul? What is reality?”, etc. I understand this is a spiritual crisis. But, I am still experiencing the emergency. I am getting moments where I desperately want this to all go away. It feels like the greatest suffering. I imagine going through this experience permanently, as if my soul will be reborn over and over, only to suffer so much more human suffering. Please help :
Best answer:
Answer by Daemon
Learn the truth and get out of the vicious cycle of reincarnation.
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Drug De-addiction Program – A talk by Sangeeta Jani, Sr Art of Living Teacher – Art of Living teacher Sangitaji explains bad effects of smoking, drugs. de-addiction program. SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A humanitarian leade…