Kid Overcomes Drug Addiction


Kid overcomes drug addiction – Vinny B overcomes his drug addiction through his music, family, and friends. Give him all the support he deserves. Thank you. Stress Boy.


Sir Richard Branson: 'The War on Drugs is perhaps the greatest failure for 40

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

According to new statistics, the Americas are home to nearly 50 per cent of heroin users, 45 per cent of cocaine users and a quarter of marijuana users worldwide. The consumption of illegal substances such as cocaine and the abuse of legal drugs have …
Read more on Spear’s WMS


WA heroin use, deaths up, especially in youth

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

Both kinds of drugs offer a similar high, and a similar addiction danger, said Caleb Banta-Green, author of the report and a researcher at the University of Washington's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute. The data from Washington mirrors a national …
Read more on The Spokesman Review